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Filter series
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Pass filter
The Fed pass filter is one of the commonly used interference filters in signal and power line filter circuits, which is very good for removing high frequency interference signals. The feed pass filter is mounted on a metal plate, and the panel is used as a filter to connect the input and output end of the filter.
Feedthrough internal circuit in the form of filter has a lot of kinds, using tubular capacitors and ferrite beads together in different combinations of circuit structure, constitute a single capacitor C, l (gamma), t, PI type and filter circuit. These circuits provide different filtering characteristics. The more the device is, the shorter the transition zone between the passband and the stop band, the greater the insertion loss.

Shenzhen City, the pilot of modern science and technology limited company in Shenzhen: Address: Shenzhen Baoan District City manhole democratic road Haixin garden 3#

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